Wednesday 22 August 2007

Sharkwater - the movie

A critically acclaimed film about the plight of sharks is currently been released in North America.

Have a look at the website and trailer by clicking the film does put across a very important message.

Unfortunately the film is not yet due for release in Asia as the producer :
"We would love to have the film release in China and Hong Kong but unfortunately we have seen some resistance"

I am currently seeing whether there are ways that this can be released in Hong Kong and China but I have limited influence or contacts in the cinema/film distribution industry. Anyone have any ideas?


Peter Emmett said...

What about getting it on the airlines in-flight videos? Surely it would add some value to their current lack of interesting films they show?

Otherwise the only other thing I can think of is having some private viewing times which is subsidized through various companies or charities, e.g. WWF.

Will it come out on DVD in Asia?


Anonymous said...

Trailer looks good.
I will see if I can get a DVD in Europe and maybe we can have some private showing in HK.
There is a campaign pledge on the file site

Dod said...

I will explore the idea of Cathay showing it on their flights. I still have some contacts there, they might well be interested.

I am also exploring whether the film can be shown during the HK international film festival. I have approached a local conservation organisation that might have influence to this end.

Love to get a copy of the DVD when it comes out.
