Monday 7 May 2007

Additional Seafood guide - have a look

Being aware and careful about what we eat is a clear way to influence the major problem issues of overfishing, destructive fishing techniques and non sustainable seafood farming.

As the slogan goes:

If the buying stops the killing can too..

I have found another very informative seafood guide, which can help us to be better informed and to become advocates for sustainable seafood. This can be accessed here

This is from the Monterey Bay Aquarium, it is a little US centric but I like it... why?
  1. Lots of information about what you should eat and what you should avoid.
  2. Easy to search and browse for a particular species.
  3. You can see what the fish/shell fish looks like. Very helpful.
  4. I think there are some additional ideas here that WWF can use to spice up their Seafood guide and campaign. I will send this onto them.

Click on the "WHAT YOU CAN DO" link. I have gone further and made a pledge to become a Seafood Watch Advocate. Watch out...!!

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